Air Monitoring for First Responders - AMFR - 111

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Brief Description
Air Monitoring for First Responders
Full Description
Course Goal: To train firefighters and other emergency responders in the use and interpretation of single gas, multi-gas, and photoionization detectors (PID) available for use by their agencies.

Course Description: The course is designed to give responders the basic knowledge and skills required before attempting to use devices in a variety of situations. Emphasis is placed on the everyday incidents where officers and firefighters should utilize air monitoring to survey atmospheres before entering potentially harmful areas or taking initial actions. Responders will have the required knowledge to interpret, document, and communicate the results received from the device.
Training Dates
05/14/2025 - 05/14/2025
Training Times
06:00 PM - 10:00 PM
None Specified
Registration Dates
07/18/2024 - 05/04/2025
Available Seats
4h 0m
None Specified
Training Location
Hiller Vol. Fire Co.
911 First Street
Hiller, PA  15444 (Fayette County)
Directions to Location
Hiller Vol. Fire Company
911 First Street
Hiller, PA  15444
Resources Required
Note taking materials.
Reporting Instructions
None Specified

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