Building Construction for the Fire Investigator - ZBCFI - 102

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Brief Description
This course includes the "must knows" on building constructions for Fire Investigators
Full Description
Failure of the building or building components under fire conditions is a leading cause of fire
fighter death and injury. In addition to recognizing how fire reacts based on types of materials
and construction methods aiding the Investigator in determining cause and origin, this course
will also aid the Investigator in recognizing dangerous situations where the structural stability is
Training Dates
08/19/2025 - 08/23/2025
Proof of successful completion of Principles of Building Construction Q0751
Registration Dates
01/08/2025 - 08/14/2025
Available Seats
22h 0m
None Specified
Training Location
State Fire Academy
1150 Riverside Dr.
Lewistown, PA  17044
Resources Required
Notetaking materials including pens, pencils and highlighters. Additionally, portable computers are encouraged but not required.
Reporting Instructions
Please check electronic signboard in Building 77 - Classroom Building located on Riverside Drive

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