Basic Fire Protection Systems for Front Seat Riders - ZBFPS - 104

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Brief Description
Provides basic instruction on fire alarm and sprinkler systems.
Full Description
This 13-hour course is designed to give firefighters and fire officers a basic
but practical understanding of the design and operations of common fire alarm
and fixed water-based fire protection systems. This course provides lecture with
application and operation of water-based systems to include hands-on scenarios
under the direction of an instructor to troubleshoot/resolve common issues related
to fire alarm and fixed fire suppression systems
Training Dates
05/06/2025 - 05/07/2025
None Specified
Registration Dates
07/10/2024 - 04/29/2025
Available Seats
14h 0m
None Specified
Training Location
State Fire Academy
1150 Riverside Dr.
Lewistown, PA  17044
Resources Required
Notetaking materials including pencil/pen and notebook or Personal Computer. Personal Protective Equipment including head, eye, hand and foot protection.
Reporting Instructions
The class will begin promptly at 0800 in the classroom building on Riverside Drive located in Lewistown. Students who have never been to the State Fire Academy should use 4 State St, Lewistown, PA as the destination.

Parking areas include: Angled parking along State St. on street parking along Riverside Drive. Please refrain from parking in the neighboring building's parking lots.

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